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How to Upskill and Grow Your Career for an AI-Powered Future

Event Date & Time: Oct. 2, 2024 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT

Recently, Thomson Reuters launched its landmark study, the Future of Professionals Report, which shows that AI is a major catalyst for change and innovation across industries.

Overall, 77% of professionals now predict AI will have a high or transformational impact on their work over the next five years, and 79% anticipate innovation at their companies will increase.

AI is here, and AI-empowered professionals and their companies will outpace those who resist this transformative era.

We’re sitting down with Michelle Nesbitt-Burrell from the Thomson Reuters Institute and Sweta Patel from Thomson Reuters’ Talent Development team to learn about how knowledge workers can grow their careers in a rapidly changing professional environment.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • How AI is influencing the future of work
  • The impact of AI and how work and career paths are evolving
  • How Thomson Reuters is using a skills-first approach to prepare employees for an AI-driven future
  • The tools available at Thomson Reuters to help employees thrive in their professional journeys


Oct. 2, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
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